Answering a question like, “What security measures are in place to protect sensitive data in your cloud environment” may be more packed than expected because it implies knowing which cloud environment holds sensitive data and if there are any data privacy measures in place.

How it Works

Connect Data Sources

C² Discover seamlessly connects to your data environment whether it’s relational databases, NoSQL, S3 Buckets, Data lakes, and warehouses


Discover Sensitive Data

C² Discover uses deep learning to identify sensitive data that meets major data privacy regulations like HIPAA, CCPA, GDPR, and PCI-DSS accurately and without bias.

Analyze Risk Exposure

C² Discover calculates your risk score based on what it found

Secure Sensitive Data

C² Discover automatically encrypts the data or secure the data with the tool of your choice.



Identify what has been discovered and what still needs to be discovered.

Understand how at risk your data environment is as a whole and at an instance level.

Immediately protect the sensitive data found, mitigating the risk.

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Accurate Detection: C² Discover uses a combination of machine learning models that are built on 20 years of contextual knowledge securing sensitive data in health and financial industries accurately and without bias.


Next Generation Discovery: C² Discover goes beyond REGEX or looking at column and table names, and inspects the meaning of the data itself.

Proactive Analysis: C² Discover analyzes and pinpoints exactly where you’re vulnerabilities are and presents the analysis through the heat map.


Extensive PII: C² Discover identifies sensitive data for regulations like HIPAA, Gramm Leach Bliley Act, PCI-DSS, and more

Meet C2 Discover

Get started with your free trial of our cloud data discovery tool


What to Look For in a Sensitive Data Discovery Tool

We’ve created a checklist of what to look for in a sensitive data discovery tool for your organization’s needs and wants.

Detecting Sensitive Data

C² Discover detects sensitive data on the cloud, using multiple methods. Get a better understanding of what makes C² Discover more precise.


A lot goes on during a PCI-DSS Audit. Prepare and complete your PCI-DSS Audit with C² Discover, your cloud-sensitive data identifier.