C² TDM Features

Test Data Management for your AWS RDS cloud databases.

Introducing C² TDM

Our cutting-edge cloud native test data solution for Amazon RDS and Aurora databases  allows you to effortlessly bookmark and restore your cloud databases.  You have complete control over managing snapshots with unparalleled speed and ease. This groundbreaking tool empowers you to generate precise data for testing your application for monthly, quarterly and yearly processing scenarios.  In addition, you can perform ad-hoc tests and easily restore the database to its original state or any other state you require. With C² TDM, unleash the power of the cloud and transform how you manage your test data like never before.

test data management
Software to Understand Data in the Cloud
Super Lightweight Technology

With our innovative and super lightweight test data management solution your cloud databases become even easier to manage. C² TDM can be setup and configured in minutes providing features like bookmarks and effortless restores.   All managed from a single interface with unparalleled performance. Experience the future of test data management with us.


C² TDM provides features to simplify test data management for all the AWS RDS databases: MariaDB, Oracle, SQLServer, PostgreSQL, and MySQL


Meet C2 TDM