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Find Your Risk, Protect Your Risk

July 23, 2024

In today’s intricate corporate data landscape, complexity arises from the multitude of applications and teams needing access to data. This often leaves organizations uncertain about the location of their sensitive data and consequently, unaware of the risks they face in terms of compliance with regulatory standards.


The solution 

Enter the C² Data Privacy Platform, a robust solution designed to empower organizations with clear visibility into the whereabouts of sensitive data across the entire enterprise. 


C² Manage

C² Manage, users gain comprehensive visibility into all data regions within their AWS account, thereby establishing a solid foundation for thorough data discovery. This capability directly addresses the fundamental question: “Where is my data stored?” Moreover, C²  Manage enables cost optimization by managing AWS accounts efficiently.


C² Discover

Powered by cutting-edge techniques such as machine learning, AI, and contextual knowledge, C² Discover excels in identifying sensitive data across diverse enterprise data connections. It meticulously pinpoints the exact locations where sensitive data resides, even in obscure corners of your data ecosystem.


C² Secure

Ensuring data security is paramount, and C² Secure offers a range of robust options including encryption, masking, synthesis, and redaction. Drawing from over 21 years of experience serving Fortune 500 clients, C² Secure provides the assurance that sensitive data is safeguarded effectively.


With theC² Data Privacy Platform, organizations can navigate the complexities of modern data environments confidently. Gain clarity, enhance compliance, and fortify your data security strategy with C² Data – your partner in proactive data privacy management.